FREE TO PLAY is a feature-length documentary that follows three professional gamers from around the world as they compete for a million dollar prize in the first Dota 2 International Tournament. In recent years, E Sports has surged in popularity to become one of the most widely-practiced forms of...
Historical Tour of L'Viv with Dendi
Dendi gives us a tour of his hometown.
Morning of the Grand Finals
Dendi gets ready and has breakfast on the morning of the Grand Finals.
Fear's Jump Shot
Fear practices his jump shot at his childhood home.
HYHY's Neighborhood
hyhy gives us a tour of his neighborhood.
Alternate Title Sequence
A stylized art treatment with Dota characters was initially tested for the title sequence.
Alternate Intro
Fear packs up his gear and leaves his house for the airport.
Premiere Q&A Session
Watch the Q&A session with Dendi, Fear and representatives from Valve's documentary team at the world premiere in San Francisco.
World of Dota
Go behind the scenes of explaining Dota.
The Finale
Go behind the scenes for the main theme used in the finale.
The trailer for the FREE TO PLAY Movie.